2、美發剪刀上面有一隻狐狸 但不是銀狐 因為這狐狸是蹲坐著的 銀狐是橫著
(三) 中式英語
英語中有許多約定俗成的表達習慣,如south-east指的是「東南」,而不是「南東」(east-south),north-west指的是「西北」,而不是「北西」(west-north)。但很多公示語的翻譯就是望文生義,完全不符合英語表達習慣。比如把「中國煙酒」譯成「CHINA SMOKE WINE」就不妥。按英語的習慣翻譯成為「Cigarette, Liquor and Tea」。「警務工作站」譯為「POLICE WORKSTATION」,或者「Police Affairs Station」都是對照漢語生硬的翻譯,其實譯成「Police Station」就能讓外國人明白。「租賃公司汽車服務中心」中的「租賃」譯成「RENT COMPANY」,也完全是從中文角度去翻譯,在英語中一般是翻譯成「Car Rental」,把「口腔門診」譯成「Mouth department」,讓人哭笑不得。建議改成「Dental Office(Department)」。
語義模糊的原因很多,試看以下五個誤譯的例子:(1)「小心碰頭」:Take Care of Your Head,改譯為Watch Your Head 或Mind Your Head;(2)「鍾表城」:Time City Watches & Clocks,改譯為Watches & Clocks Shopping Centre;(3)「太普愛家房屋買賣租賃」:Top Love House,改譯為Tai Pu Real Estate: Sales and Rent;(4)「夢潔家坊生活館」:Mendale Household Life House,改譯為Mendale Household Textile House;(5)「中醫骨傷醫院」:HERB HOSPITAL FOR BONE INJURIES,改譯為Traditional Chinese Orthopedics。
(C) Chinglish
In English there is much expression of common habits, such as south-east refers to the "South East" instead of "South East" (east-south), north-west refers to the "Northwest" instead of "North West" (west - north). But a lot of publicity is the translation of the phrase words too literally, totally inconsistent with the habits of the English expressions. Such as the "Chinese alcoholic drinks and tobacco" to "CHINA SMOKE WINE" on the wrong. English Translation by the habit of becoming "Cigarette, Liquor and Tea". "Police station" translated as "POLICE WORKSTATION", or "Police Affairs Station" are in control of Chinese Translation blunt, in fact, to "Police Station" will be able to understand for foreigners. "Automotive Service Center, leasing companies," the "lease" to "RENT COMPANY", are also fully Translation from the English point of view, in English are translated into a general "Car Rental", the "Oral out-patient" to "Mouth department "mbfounding people. The proposed change "Dental Office (Department)".
These examples of such so-called "chinglish" English Translation at the time often are in accordance with the literal meaning of language structure and word order, "every step", has totally neglected the Chinese and English at the language and culture differences, always will be Chinese mode of thinking and aesthetic requirements imposed upon Mr, far-fetched to "translation units" formed.
(Iv) the semantic ambiguity
Semantic ambiguity of a lot of reasons, take a look at the following five examples of mistranslation: (1) "Caution meet": Take Care of Your Head, translated to Watch Your Head or Mind Your Head; (2) "Watch City": Time City Watches & Clocks, to be translated Watches & Clocks Shopping center; (3) "too much love at home & P trade rental housing": Top Love House, to be translated as Tai Pu Real Estate: Sales and Rent; (4) "home夢潔Square Living Museum ": Mendale Household Life House, to be translated Mendale Household Textile House; (5)" Chinese medicine orthopedic hospital ": HERB HOSPITAL FOR BONE INJURIES, change translated into Traditional Chinese Orthopedics.
From the above example can be seen have been very clear in the Chinese in the East and West, as the British and conversion errors at the English translation of the whole not a shadow.
廣東銀狐醫療科技股份有限公司的經營范圍是:生產、銷售、研發、維修:美容美發設備、醫療器械(憑有效的《醫療器械生產企業許可證》、《醫療器械經營企業許可證》)、保健器材及其電子配件;生產、銷售:五金配件、塑料製品、木傢具、木製品;加工:五金製品、塑料製品。在廣東省,相近經營范圍的公司總注冊資本為294601萬元,主要資本集中在 100-1000萬 和 1000-5000萬 規模的企業中,共984家。本省范圍內,當前企業的注冊資本屬於優秀。
一般的金魚店裡會有的 ,而且銀狐這東西不適合家養,最好別買